Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL), one of India’s leading Telecommunications companies, has launched Centralized VAS (Value Added Services) Provisioning System cum Consent Gateway (CVPS cum CG) for its mobile subscribers in the country earlier this year.
After the introduction of this new system in VAS provisioning, there is a huge number of reduction in the forced activation complaints across all the BSNL zonal units. The new system is very much helpful to safeguard customer’s interest and to reduce the unnecessary balance deduction from mobile customers.
While analyzing the complaints during last six months, it is seen that, the number of complaints have reduced considerably. In May 2014, there was about 3,72,045 VAS complaints whereas in October 2014, the number is reduced to 1,50,606. This number will be reduced further only if the new system (CVPS Cum CG Platform) is fully implemented in the right manner.
Number of forced VAS activation complaints for last six months

CVPS cum CG platform will centrally control all activities like activation, obtaining 2nd consent from customers,
providing response to customer queries, update VAS profile of
customers, trigger delivery of requested VAS and charging. Earlier all
these activities were done by VAS providers themselves.
providing response to customer queries, update VAS profile of
customers, trigger delivery of requested VAS and charging. Earlier all
these activities were done by VAS providers themselves.
Sri.Anupam Srivastava, Director (CM), BSNL Board, stated that “CVPS cum CG will enable BSNL to serve its customers better. This will instill more confidence in to consumers as now VAS subscription will be activated only after obtaining double confirmation from customer and that too by independent third party. This system will be a milestone to attain customers satisfaction, as subscriber will be informed for every single penny which is charged against the provisioning of VAS.”