Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has announced e-Auction of Fancy Mobile Numbers for the month of September 2021. As per the latest information, BSNL’s e-Auction for Vanity / Fancy mobile numbers will commence on 20th September 2021 for Kerala Telecom Circle. Indiciduals can participate in the auction process via Online Portal – till 27th September 2021.
The registration and participation in the e-auction process is very simple and easy. Those who are interested in Fancy mobile numbers can check the availability and select numbers as per their choice from the online portal. BSNL is conducting the auction process via BSNL’s Online Portal Only. The latest e-Auction process for Mobile numbers will start from 00:00 Hrs of 20-09-2021 and will end at 23:59 Hrs of 27-09-2021.
List of Premium Numbers for the e-auction starting from 20-09-2021 to 27-09-2021

BSNL increased Registration Charges for e-Auction!
BSNL has informed that, the registration charges for bidding has been increased to 50% of base price of fancy / vanity mobile number selected. Maximum amount of registration fee is set as Rs 25,000/- in any case. The registration charges are to be paid by individuals via BSNL Online Portal which is refundable after completing the bid cycle. Registration charges will be forfeited only in the case where the successful bidder fails to pay the bid amount after completing the auction process.
Bidder Need to Upload Address Proof and Identity Proof in the Webportal
As per the revised guidelines, the bidder has to provide the address proof (PoA)and identity proof (PoI) in the portal itself. BSNL has also made it clear that, the Vanity Number will be allotted to the highest bidder only and it should not be sold to other by the highest bidder in any case. Earlier, the highest bidder is allowed to activate the number in any name as per his choice. With this latest development, BSNL will be activating Vanity Mobile Numbers only in the name of successful bidders.
SMS Bidding Stopped in BSNL Kerala Telecom Circle
BSNL authorities has intimated that, the process of particiapting in the aution process via SMS is also stopped in Kerala Telecom Circle. Now, individuals can use online portal only for BSNL Vanity Mobile Numbers.
Who can participate in the e-auction ?
- BSNL intends to offer e-auction for the allotment of Vanity Numbers in the Corresponding Licensed Service Area (which includes corresponding Telecom Circle customers) to the eligible customers / companies / Similar firms.
- The prospective customer/ Firms must be a Citizen of India / Indian Registered Company.
- The vanity Number will be provided to the successful bidder. This vanity number will be in the Corresponding Licensed Service Area (which includes Corresponding Telecom circle) with all facilities as per the plan like SMS, Data, ISD, International roaming as per the published tariff of BSNL.
- The prospective customers / Companies / firms must be an Indian Registered Company / Citizen of India.
- Certificate of Incorporation with copy of articles and Memorandum of Association should also be submitted along with the bid for companies / firms.
- The prospective customers/companies/similar firms should submit latest acknowledged copy of Income Tax returns form.
Procedure for Auction of BSNL Vanity Mobile Numbers through Web
(The Auction will start from 00:00 hrs of 20-09-2021 and will end at 23:59 hrs of 27-09-2021)
- To register, customer has to access the site or portal registration is free.
- Customer can register through “Login/register” link in menu bar. Customer has to login with Mobile no. &email id. After successful registration customer will be informed a password via SMS & email.
- Customer has to click “Login” & login using the password received & click accept terms & conditions to proceed further.
- After successful login customer will be directed to welcome page. Customer can change password using “Change Password” option available in menu bar. Customer can fill his details in “profile form”. Customer can select the vanity numbers by clicking “Available numbers”.
- For bidding a vanity number, customer has to pay the required registration fee shown against the selected number and the registration charges can be paid online.
- After paying the requisite registration charges for a number, customer can bid for that particular number available in “My Bid Status” menu. Customer can start bidding numbers for which registration is successful.
- Select the number from left hand side, customer can see the number of bids & its current bid value. Incremental value for each bidding number is already available in the portal.
- If the customer wants to bid higher than the present maximum bid value, he can increase his/her bidding amount by clicking “Click to bid” in My bid status.
- The bidding closes at 23:59 Hrs at 27-09-2021 and successful bidders list will be published to BSNL field units on 28-09-2021.
- All successful highest bidders (H1) will be given mail/SMS on 28-09-2021 mentioning the number bidded, PIN number & amount to be paid inclusive of GST – minus registration charge initially paid.
- All successful bidder can approach any BSNL CSCs in Kerala by showing the SMS / mail intimation and can take the respective vanity number after paying the above charges &by producing the necessary documentary proof.
Revised Terms & Conditions For E-auction of BSNL Vanity Mobile Numbers
- To bid the Number, customer has to pay the Registration Fee through online for selected vanity mobile number. After paying registration fee customer has to place the Minimum bid compulsory by clicking on “CLICK TO BID” button in “My Bid Status” menu.
- The customers (other than first three Highest bidders H1,H2,H3) Registration Fee is Refunded with in 10 days after completion of Eauction cycle End date of that respective state.
- If H1 has taken sim for H1 bidded amount, then H2,H3 customer registration fee will be refunded with in 20 days after completion of Eauction cycle end date of that respective state.
- If H2 has taken sim for H2 bidded amount incase of H1 failed to take bidded number, then H1 Registration fee will be forfieted and H3 registration fee is refunded with in 31 days after completion of eauction cycle end date of that respective state.
- If H3 has taken sim for H3 bidded amount incase of H1,H2 failed to take bidded number, then H1,H2 Registration fee will be forfieted.
- The registration amount will be refunded with in 10 days after eauction end date even to that type of customers who have paid registration fee and not participated in bidding.
- The bidder has to provide the address proof, identity details in the portal.
- The Vanity number should not be sold to others by the highest bidder after the award, if so BSNL has the right to cancel the same.
- The vanity number will be allotted to highest bidder on receipt of [Bid amount +%GST – Registration fee] at any BSNL Customer Service Center within the given timeframe, subject to the verification of all required documents.
- DD from Nationalized/scheduled Banks only will be accepted.
- The Highest bid amount to be paid is only for allotment of vanity mobile number.
- All other charges for creation of mobile numbers and additional BSNL mobile services are as per the BSNL Published Tariff.
- BSNL reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time by notice on this portal with immediate effect.
- BSNL reserves the right to cancel the allotment without assigning any reason.
For more details regarding eauction, customers / individuals are requested to visit the website . The website contains information regarding the availability of fancy mobile numbers, base value, registration fee and incremental bid value etc.
Dear readers, please share this latest information about BSNL Vanity Mobile Number e-Auction among all your friends and relatives who wish to avail Vanity Mobile Numbers from BSNL. How many of you are using Vanity Mobile Numbers? Why did you opt for Vanity Numbers? Please do share your feedback with us.