BSNL offers special discount up to 90% of the monthly rental for new Bharat Fiber (FTTH) Customers all over India.

- BSNL FTTH Customers can avail special 90% discount in monthly rent till 13th November 2022.
- 90% Discount in monthly rent is applicable for new Bharat Fiber (FTTH) Customers all over India.
- A Customer can avail 90% discount in monthly rent on first month up to a maximum limit of Rs 500/-.
- This special discount scheme is applicable in all BSNL FTTH plans except Freedom 75 Offer.
- 90% discount offer is available across all the telecom circles as promotional offer for 90 days from 16-08-2022.
BSNL has announced a special discount offer for new Bharat Fiber (BSNL FTTH) – Fiber Broadband customers all over India. As per the latest information, the PSU has decided to offer a whopping discount of 90% in the first month fixed monthly charges for all new Bharat Fiber (FTTH) connections provided during the offer period. The scheme is applicable for a period of 90 days from 16th August 2022. 90% discount scheme is applicable to all BSNL Bharat Fiber (FTTH) plans excep the recently launched Freedom 75 Offers.
An Official statement from BSNL regarding the launch of 90% Discount in Monthly Charges for BSNL FTTH Customers read as follows:-
The competent authority has decided “to offer 90% discount up to Rs. 500/- on First Fixed Monthly Charge (FMC) across all the FTTH Broadband plans (except scheme ‘Freedom 75’) in all the Circles for a period of 90 days”.
Accordingly, the revenue share to TIPs shall be shared on realized revenue after removing the discount of 90% up to Rs. 500/- for first month and for subsequent month(s) as per the Fibre policy. BSNL has also instructed it’s field units viz telecom circles to comply with all regulatory requirements including on line reporting to TRAI and also to update the circle website. These instruction shall be effective from 16-08-2022 on promotional basis for a period of 90 days in all the circles (i.e., from 16-08-2022 to 13-11-2022).
Dear readers, please do share this latest offer for new BSNL FTTH connections among all your friends and relatives who wish to avail BSNL FTTH Service. Also do share this latest information among all BSNL employees and BSNL Fans in your friend circle. How many of you are currently using BSNL FTTH Internet? Any of you have faced any issues in BSNL FTTH? Please do share your feedback as comments with us.